Ian Ippolito
Comprehensive Guide to Hard Money Loan Investing Part 4: Top 19 Hard Money Loan Funds 2024
Updated: Jan 3
We found not just 1 but 19 needles in the haystack (in this difficult to find asset-class). Then we gathered 25+ data points on each one (to let you quickly compare and contrast).
(Usual disclaimer: I'm just an investor expressing my personal opinion and am not an attorney, accountant nor your financial advisor. Consult your own financial professionals before making any financial decisions. Code of Ethics: To remove conflicts of interest that are rife on other sites, I/we do not accept ANY money from outside sponsors or platforms for ANYTHING. This includes but is not limited to: no money for postings, nor reviews, nor advertising, nor affiliate leads etc. Nor do I/we negotiate special terms for ourselves in the club above what we negotiate for the benefit of members. Info may contains errors so use at your own risk. See Code of Ethics for more info.)
This is part 4 of a 5 article series:
Why hard money loan funds?
Hard money loan funds have several advantages over investing in single loans on most of the platforms, including the ability to access more conservative LTV's, higher volume, instant diversification, better transparency, easier management and the potential for early liquidation. However, finding a good fund has been very difficult for many investors. Well, this article puts an end to that. We list the top 19 funds (as nominated by Private Investor Club members). Then we then gathered 25 data points on each so you can quickly contrast and compare them.
The Funds
Arixa Capital: Secured Income Fund
Avondale Private Lending
Cetan Fund
Fidelis Private Fund
Fund that Flip: Pre-funding Note Fund (PFNF)
Fund that Flip: Horizon Residential Income Fund I, LLC (HRIF)
Herzer Financial Mortgage Fund (Fund II)
GTIS US Real Estate Debt Strategies Fund
Lynk Capital
Parkview Financial
Pelorus Equity Group
RD Advisors Real Estate Debt Fund II
Socotra Fund
Socotra Opportunity Fund
Sortis Income Fund
Stallion Texas Real Estate Fund (STREF): Stallion Capital Management
Stallion Texas Real Estate Fund II (STREFII): Stallion Capital Management
W Financial
Wilshire Quinn Hard Money Fund
Data points gathered on every fund:
Last year's return
Target return
Standard Minimum investment
Reduced minimum for PIC?
Distribution frequency
Lends in non-judicial states only?
First position loans only (or if not, then what isn't)?
Leveraged? (if so, max and current?)
Average loan term
Date fund started
Max LTV (is this a legal PPM limit or a target)?
Current average LTV
Geographic focus
Loan type*
Asset type**
Number of loans (currently)
Principal's investment ($ and %)
Loan Loss Reserve? If so, current and goal %?
Uncured default rate (defined as more than 60 days without payment)
Withdrawal lockup period/redemption policy
All fund compensation including fees, splits, etc.
Generates passive or nonpassive income?
REIT Structure?
Contact person
Also, a link to detailed discussion of the fund by PIC members
Note: the full article is for members of The Real Estate Crowdfunding Review Private Investor Club. Membership is free but is restricted to investors only. Platforms, sponsors and their affiliates are prohibited. If you qualify, click here to join.
Next article in this series
Click here to view what can go wrong with a hard money loan in Part 5 - Postmortem: Money flushed down the drain (a loan that took years to resolve and lost 60%)